short return to chicago

this is the last one from out there, I think.

nice double expo when changing the roll between olympus xa and canon A2e. In the French quarter.

local artist's yard. interesting stuff

downtown from garage building on campus

serious photographer :-)

bad face :-(

hungry face :-)

happy face

exotic bras in the French market. here the second roll starts.

he had nice two stars on his legs, one green, one red

sunny afternoon, relaxed on the mississippi levee

kinda stupid face, but sweet (had to soften it, right?)

another shot for a grandma

my the most favorite shooting spot in NO. skyline with hotel monteleone

sleeping man

here we start another roll. this was olympus.

shooter is shooting a pic of shooter who is shooting a pic of a shooter and so on.....infinite regression

some restroom ID

first phallic symbol

second phallic symbol


fried chicken from Cane's

this was on the northshore, some park with an artificial beach.

picnic area

and the beach

the sand is really not native, believe me. Mud is native over there.

roots of taxodia