I took fuji superia x-tra 400, loaded to nikon and took new 28/3.5 lens for testing. In the middle of the roll, I changed it to the canon A2e and shot with sigma 24mm lens. Multiple exposures come obviously from Nikon. This is my intentional triple ID exposure. Came out well, I guess. Color original below (in its original position on the roll).
some comments on films. the difference in color rendering between kodak and fuji has been mentioned by us before, however, this time I have even a feeling that especially the nikon lens renders very cold colors. On the other hand, it seems to be surprisingly sharp. Sigma test on color film revealed slighly more vivid colors and nice sharpness as well (on pictures that are focused well :-) ).

canadian club whiskey

this roll is overrated for IDs :-). non-traditional one.

traditional one

on campus sitting and drinking coke after some excercise in recreational center

perfect sharpness, cold colors. still nikon lens

I tried to play with multiple exposures

the car was loaded and at the same time "unloaded" internally

In all multiple exposures I tried to make correct exposure for the first pic and then underexpose the subsequent one(s) to get clear shot with double expo shadows. Obviously it did not work in this case well.

nikon's sharpness and fuji's (or nikon's) lack of color vividity

the original (cut though, because there was an overlap of frames from changing the film between cameras). from this point down it is on canon and sigma lens.

I'm really satisfied with it.

especially like it in this shot (and the shot itself).

some arm posing to make the boredom less bored

we had really good siesta in the afternoon.

I actually like those two shots of me and it does not happen too often. This one happened to be a little bit out of focus (don't know why) but still ok.
ok, that's all. evidence proved these two lenses are worth of having.