One of the days when Zuzana is not working, we decided to make an late afternoon/evening walk on the Pontchartrain beach (used to be an amusement park but is destroyed by huricanes by now).
first shot is editorial pick.

when loading. again, I didn't want to waste those two shots I can take before number 1. So I guesstimated the aperture of 5.6 for 1/80 shutter speed and it came a bit overexposed. Hence, i corrected it while scanning.

what was supposed to be a nice walk turned into not so nice walk because of millions of mosquitos over there. they were so f...ing offensive that they landed on you and bit you even when walking fast. idiots. I still have like hundreds bites. anyway, it did not destroy the afternoon as a whole and we kinda enjoyed it over there.

some people were fishing with cages and nets in the lake. there were jumping fish making rainbow jumps all the time. funny. don't know why but I guess they were "hunting" those f...ing mosquitos above the water level.

some mexicans. they were pretty cautious when we approached them. I had that feeling like they thought they are fishing illegally and/or were illegally in the us. dunno but they stopped, looked at us and when we passed they started again.

there were two guys with dogs. one mexican and one black. both dogs were cute.

especially the black guy's dog. funny little creature.

small dead crab

you can guess what my lovely wife is doing. yes collecting f...ing shells again.

ok, the purpose of this picture is the dragon-fly sitting on the branch. if you can find it, you win :-)

some US garbage

and some Czech treasures :-)


double portrait

double portrait with sunset :-)

it's not visible well but the guy had kayak and was fishing from it. I'm curious what would happen if some bigger fish got caught. that would be a ride :-)

regret that I did not have a color film.

old grill

the sun was no more tanning.

some sunset shots

well, it is obvious that i did not take this one. hmmm, interesting composition :-)

some more lovely legs and feet