I repaired my nikon f3' shutter with liquid electrical tape and then loaded with legacy 400 film (rebranded neopan 400). I love what came out of this roll from several reasons. Film quality, subjects and objects shot etc.
As an editors pick, I chose 2 shots today even though I would choose even more if I could. The first one is a still life I created with 3 things I enjoy a lot. Pizza, beer and "the new erotic photography book" I'm reading through. Observe model's pose - she really wants my pizza, I know :-).
And the second shot is from the levee, probably shot several times before but this time, the shot is as it came from the camera. no straightening, no contrast correction (even though I don't do this often anyway). I think the shot simply speaks for itself.
Most shots taken with 28/2.8 nikon lens or with 50/1.8.

it is just the way it is, I often shoot myself with the first shot :-). But this time, it was not mere self-admiration but since nikon f3 can't measure until the frame counter is on number 1 and I hate wasting frames, I used a hand held meter to find the aperture for 1/80 speed that auto mode selects automaticly for shots before number 1. It's also the reason why you see me twice in a row :-).

fleur de lis (lily, louisiana's main sign) abused by that awful, wasteful company whose name won't be pronounced here :-) (I mean it seriously).

I just walked around and when I saw it, I had to take a shot. Keep out - that car was like 15m long.

mention the "love life" sign. that's what new orleans is really about and why I love this shot.

vans being loaded by french market sellers

on the french market

I went to the levee to take few shots.....

....did not shoot them but they thought I did, so I asked if I can and they said yes but the guy on left kept asking if I have a dollar for beer. He kept asking and asking. Fortunately, the lady in front of him, while having a lot of fun with others, kept saying not to give him anything. So I took a shot and went away......

....took some more shots there......

....while I've been watched.....

.....and then asked what I'm shooting with by Jimmy from Houston (now living in NOLA). He was a nice guy. I sat and we talked for like 20 minutes. He was waiting with his camera for one of those huge transoceanic ships carrying hundreds of containers of various colors and for sunset. The ship did not come and while we talked he missed sunset as well.....

....then I took some more shots on the way back....

....and finished the roll on my "cicik" after persuading her that nude and erotic photography can be real fun with great results :-). enjoy :-) (sorry cicik, that's a joke).

"see, I enjoy the shooting"

I call the hand "adams family" hand :-).
I had two more shots after that but they will be posted somewhere else (http://soldjem.deviantart.com/) cause they are little bit more nude than these :-).
hope you enjoyed this roll as I did.