we went out one evening to exercise our bodies and since I did not use my canon a2e for some time, I loaded it with arista edu and took it with us. We brought some old bread for geese and ducks as well, so most of this roll is in the bird domain :-). some people are included though :-)

just a chair thrown away.

on that particular spot, there's hundreds of birds of various species...

...and the reason is that hundreds of people feed them over there (sometimes, us included) :-)

they were cute little kids. Zuzana was especially touched by the small hairy girl.

they have very little fear of people. I'd say they are only cautious, not afraid of...

...since food is such a strong drug.

it took me a while to find the leg stepping down. the leg is "the thing" that makes it interesting. What's also interesting is how difficult for them is to step down one leg at a time. Very inefficient bipeds.

food, food, food...

maybe more food...

....ahh, well, probably not.

localized food

alpha male (or female, have no idea) :-)

you did not hear it, but when she saw the shot, she appreciated herself as not looking like an idiot :-)

flip flops vs. DC - who is cooler?

yes, that little girl was cute (be glad that you also did not hear Zuzana's words about adopting her :-) ).

I like this "action" shot much. the small guy on the right was chasing some poor birds. but fortunately they are not as slow as the look like. also, light was diminishing and the influence of bigger aperture is noticeable.

ye, screw yourself with that fucking camera.....

...I have to write emails.

well, some frames left, so the next day I took a walk around the city when my classes ended (at 3pm btw, starting at 8am, fucking exhausted).

GMC - garbage in and out (literally)

and some fleurs-de-lis