I finally got back to NOLA (mainly because of the gross anatomy course I have to take in the fall semester) with a lot of film material from back home and then from Portugal where we went for a field excavations. I'll comment more throughout the posts I will make.
Regarding this roll, I have a found a lab (small one person lab) in Pilsen and so far I was satisfied with the work he did for me (developing mostly) even though the prices are a bit higher. However, within past 2 months I gave like 7 rolls (3 BW, 3 color 35mm and one 120) and was very disappointed with the work. BW 35mm rolls came fine but 120 is a disaster. He probably did not do the fixing process well and the emulsion is just sliding off of the film. I shot my grandparents and would love the pictures if not damaged. I scanned them anyway and it looks like a "serious art" (or at least some) :-). In case of 35mm color negatives, I got them back with a lot of dried crystals stuck on the film and as a result I had to spend 2 days retouching the scans (what a boring work). I left one roll unretouched, so you'll see. I'll comment on it later when I get to that roll.

my grandparents

as I said: "serious art" of flowing emulsion. F...