I was so lucky that I acquired very nice looking Nikon F3HP together with nikkor 55/2.8 micro lens, cambron 18-28mm, vivitar 28-105mm zoom lenses, and a lot of other accessories (filters, another focusing screen for F3, leather lens cases etc.) from one of my professors who retired unbelievably cheap - for 100 bucks. He was so nice to me. The only problem with the camera was a hole in one of the shutter curtains. He said it never showed on his pictures but the hole was rather big and I had doubts it will show up. So I tried an outdated roll and here are the resutls. It showed up only when I didn't wind immediately after taking a shot and let the light to go into the camera.
I have followed advices on the net about using the liquid electrical tape for repairing cloth shutters and have to say it worked well even on the titanium shutter of the nikon camera. Put 2 layers with proper drying and now, the camera is perfect.
Regarding the lenses tested, nikkor is perfect as expected and the cambron is ok - sharp in the middle but soft towards corners regardless of the apperture or focal length. But I'll keep it anyway cause any other lens of such focal length would cost me hundreds. All shots taken with cambron lens if not stated otherwise.

first example of the light leak due to the hole. lower mid portion of the frame.

taken with nikkor 55/2.8 micro

nikkor again

this is the most prominent evidence of that light leak