I bought an exakta exa 1a back home with tessar 50/2.8 and 135/4 lenses. it is very nicely built camera with very interesting shutter mechanism that is linked to the mirror, resp. the mirror has a shutter on the reverse side. nice concept and in fact it was "it" what convinced me to buy the camera. the bad part of it is that the maximum speed is only 1/175 s. you can't do much with it especially with fast film. but I put neopan ss in it (now I have use for this film since otherwise it is too slow for me) and all worked out well. later, I found that the 50 tessar lens is probably a bit out of adjustment since I had a lot of shots out of focus. It might be by me focusing badly but i doubt. What I really love about this camera is a waist level finder which is the best thing for taking action portraits since you don't distract people by looking into the camera and pointing towards them. I'd love to see much more slr cameras having interchangeable finders (except exaktas and nikons which had it).
when i got back to us, I bought the original exa with the same tessar. It is even nicer, a lot smaller and with a lot bigger viewfinder. really a superior machine. the downside is that the fastest speed is only 1/150 s. but anyway, I love it. now, I'm in search for some wide-angle lens on it. this roll is shot with exa 1a, most pics with 50mm tessar and at the end, with 135mm lens. btw, this 135mm lens is again very good, almost as my zuiko. there must be something on the 135mm lenses general design and in fact, there is. I've read somewhere they are easy to construct with superb optical quality. well, I can just confirm that and hopefully will confirm again when I take small exa with this telephoto lens out to waste a roll on sneaky portraits.
I love the first shot. it is out of focus and it gives the shot nice dreamy feeling and underlines the theme of E.T. going back to his spaceship and home :-)

focused on that awful religious stuff

out of focus again

infinity shots were fine



yes, in

again in

that was the intention to focus on the needles

looks like ordinary shot but since all exa shots are measured with hand held meter i corrected the exposure down for two stops to get the fake butterfly properly exposed since the background is a windown with a lot of light potentially making the butterfly only a dark spot on the curtain.

jakub, well, without a correction :-)

since I'm a hockey fan, this was my only chance to see at least a pre-seasonal training of pilsen's team. I'm going to miss the whole season again. I cry :-(

and these shots came out of 135 mm lens. really satisfying.