this the one roll of velvia I got from Jakub when back home. we don't regularly shoot slides but we were always curious about it. so jakub bought some rolls and gave me one. I waisted it in Portugal and when scanned, it was a huge disappointment. Soft pics, underexposed, very warm color tones etc. But then, I looked at the film itself and all shots were perfect when looking through the film. Finally, I realized that the problem must be in the scanner. It somehow can't handle slides as well as color negatives. I even tried to rescan the film and correct exposure etc. but it came out bad too (a lot of noise due to narrow latitude and again imbalance between lights and shadows). The most probable reason is that the scanner has much smaller dynamic range than the film and is not capable of handling wide range of light situations in the picture.
as a result, some shots look better than the others and you'll se that in this stream. the softness of some of the shots maybe be caused by lens that was in use (zuiko 35-70 f4, however I have shot with it before with perfect results on negatives and I always close the aperture down since it is soft at f4 - f5.6 and up is usually quite good).

this was the school where we stayed in Santa Eufemia. will see it better later on the negative material scans.

castle in Leiria


looking from Paissagem restaurant into the lapedo valley

on a trip to one of newly discovered rock shelters in lapedo

at the football stadium where we took a shower every day.

val did (do?) gymnastics

in Leiria

that's the velvia. bad!!!