the same two cities again - family and public gatherings (oly om2 + tri-x 400)
I'm not using my zuiko 135/3.5 much but when I use it, it is always perfectly satifying to see the resutls. it is simply stunning lens and I love it a lot. This is Zuza's dad and the shot could be called "one for all, all for one" since he looks like a musketeer.
besides some other shots from prague (mainly the family gathering), there are others from Pilsen, from bogeymen's day.
in the national museum depository in Horni Pocernice
our friend Erika. she is a huge francophile and was just prepairing to spend more than a month in france for a research.
zuzana's (and my in-laws) family (nieces, sister, mum, grandmum)