I took a quick tour through the city today because I was looking for some parts for the car and since I had my olympus 35 ec loaded I took it with me and the roll got wasted :-)
Then, I decided to try another walgreens and its lab. this one is little bit farrer than the others but guess, they did not ruin my film. they actually did it quite ok. I really hope they won't go worse since I really don't want to pay 5 bucks for developing 24 frame color negs if I can pay just 2.30. I know, there is still the question of quality but I shoot mostly snapshots in color so it's not a big problem.
anyway, this roll came out actually really good and I like it. Olympus does not have any significant optical flaws (as lomo or olympus xa) so the pics look "normal". the lens is sharp and I even almost mastered zone focusing :-).
the first pic from med school.

on the way home, biking

to the city, driving and stoping for shots

really like this one

that is funny.

I knew this one will be out of focus so I shot it once again.....

...however, the green light just turned on and I, unfortunately, composed badly.

ok, not a lot of comments but as I said, it was quick and easy ride through the city.